Wednesday, February 24, 2021

How to take #OOTD pictures

How many times have you scrolled through Instagram and seen girls take these awesome #OOTD pictures? If you follow me, then you know I love posting mirror OOTDs, so much that I have a highlight dedicated to them. When it comes to actual OOTD pictures, you do not need a glam squad, or a professional camera to get a really great shot. I wanted to share 10 of my personal tips to getting an Instagramble shot of your OOTD. 

I like to take all my outfit pics in front of plain white walls. This keeps the focus on my outfit, keeps my feed cohesive, and allows my outfit's colors, textures and details to pop. It seems like a lot of effort but it is actually not, look around your neighborhood and you will notice how many plain white walls there are. Often times, I will be driving to work, the mall or home and notice so many spots for OOTD pictures around me. When all fails, I like to use my garage door as the background. 
Even if you have your entire picture, pose, props and outfit planned down to the details, lighting can make or break the shot. Natural light is best for #OOTDs and selfies too. I like to have the light in front of me and try to avoid having too many shadows on my face. Another factor is choosing the right time to shoot your shot to avoid being too bright or full of those unwanted shadows
Often times, people ask me how do I pose so naturally, and the truth is that for every good picture there is about ten silly faces. Nailing just the right pose can be hard. I like to practice in a mirror so I know which poses work best for each outfit and my body type. Try to remember the poses that make you look and feel your best. Learn your best sides and most flattering angles. For example, I am only 5 feet tall and have very wide hips, so I avoid pictures that are straight on, I like to angle my hips and rest all my weight on the foot not facing the camera. Another tip to elongate your body is to create triangles, whether with your arms or legs. 
People are usually surprised to know that a lot of my pictures are taken by my mom, dad, or my bestfriend. Often times, what I like to do is take a pic of them first, lining up the shot exactly how I want it to look. I show them the picture, we swap places, then it is easy for them to recreate the shot easily. This comes in handy when you want an exact shot done in a certain way. Often times, I show an inspo picture at the same exact spot to make it even easier to recreate. Another tip, is having whoever is taking your picture talk to you to achieve those cute effortless candid's. My bestfriend will say things like walk, twirl, look left, and make me laugh, to achieve different shots. It might feel ridiculous at the time, but a laugh makes for a great picture. When in doubt go for a hair flip. Trust me, anything is better than a forced smile or an unnatural pose.
If you plan to upload your #OOTD directly into Instagram, use the square option on your phone or take the picture with enough space to crop it into a square. That way you’re sure to have all the details in your final shot, because how many times have you had a great shot but you have to choose between your full head or your shoes. 
Is your straight on picture just not working? Try taking some from a little above or a little below. Different perspectives make a huge difference. Recently, I have started to flip my iPhone upside down when I want to look taller, or I am trying to achieve that perfect kick picture. 
There is no rule that says the picture has to be standing up, so try a seated pose from time to time. I especially love them because they make my legs look longer, if I pose my legs slightly towards the camera. 
Have whoever is taking the pictures keep snapping all while you’re making small, slight movements. This will give you a nice variety of pictures and poses to choose from. How many times has your body looked amazing but you smile is a little off? To avoid this, make small changes with every click, this gives you more options to choose from. 
Do no wrap your mini shoot without getting a few pics of your jewelry, bag, and shoes so you’ll have even more gorge feed. Recently, my bestfriend took an up-close of my top and the shot was gorgeous. 
Once all the hard work is done, the fun process begins. I personally love editing my pictures and playing with the different colors in the shot. The reality is that no matter how great a camera you use, no lens is better than the human eye. Therefore, I like to use either Lightroom, Snapseed, or VSCO to enhance my pictures, which also helps you create a cohesive aesthetically pleasing feed. About a year ago, I learned how to make my own presets in Lightroom, which makes editing a 1, 2 step. Once I select the pictures I like, I import them to Lightroom and simply apply the same preset to all, which makes it easier to narrow down to the ones I want to post. 

I hope my tips can help any girl or guy, who often struggles to create OOTD content. Let me know if you have your own tips and tricks, I am always looking for new ideas. 

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