Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Attract, Convert, Transform.


In recent years, social media has become a consumers dream, granting the world with services, products and brands through online marketing. Social media marketing is catered to meeting a targeted audience of either consumers or customers, in order to have them socially interact with a business service, brand, blog or products, to either increase sales or followers. In fact, social media marketing helps create a story to reach the audience. 

Therefore, in order to create flow into your own social media, every user should know the ACT method. The ACT methodology is broken down as follows: A is for attract, C is for convert, and T is for transform. The ACT methodology plays a huge role on online marketing and every blogger or user should use it to create unique and tailored content to help boost conversions and increase brand awareness. 

When posting, content should be on-brand, creative, and aesthetically pleasing. Using the methodology can help get attention by attracting traffic to your page, once on your page a stranger becomes either a customer or a consumer, with hopes to transform them into joining your journey. 

Provide the audience with a branded content that differs from competitors is the goal to be able to stand out and make your mark. So remember, the next time you go to post a picture, think does it go with my brand and would my audience enjoy this. Following these methods can help create a small community through the share of similar taste. 

XO Mimosas and Pumps 

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